John Pecham

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John Pecham (Joannes Pecham (de Pescham/Peccanus, ca. 1225, Patcham in Sussex - 1292, Mortlake, Surrey), doctor ingeniosus was an English Franciscan from Patcham (near Brighton,Sussex). He studied the liberal arts at Paris and at Oxford, where he became master of arts. He entered the Franciscan order on or shortly after 1250. He was sent to Paris to study theology, where he became regent master of theology (1269-71). Thereafter he functioned as regent master at Oxford (1271-1274).

He was elected provincial minister of England in 1274 and was lector at the papal curia between 1277-79 (during which period a provincial vicar took care of his provincial obligations). On 25 January 1279, Pope Nicholas III appointed him to the archepiscopal see of Canterbury. He died at Mortlake, on 8 December 1292, and was buried in Canterbury Cathedral.



Pecham took an active part in the struggle with the secular masters (of arts) at the university of Paris. He defended the Franciscan positions of poverty, and argued against Robert Kilwardby’s denigration of the Franciscan way of life. He supported Stephen Tempier in 1277 condemning the Averroist positions of Thomas Aquinas. As archbishop, he was very involved with issues of pastoral care (witness his Lambeth Constitutions).

He wrote many scientific and theological works (. A.o. Perspectiva communis, Quodlibeta, Trinitatis officium, sermons, hymns, poems (o.a. Philomena), letters). Citations in the Apocalypse commentary of John Russel, which have been identified by Beryl Smalley, suggest Pecham also wrote an Apocalypse commentary (see Joannes Russel, Comment. in.Apoc. ms Oxford, Merton College 172ff. 107vb, 108ra, 108vb, 109rb). Nothing is known about the whereabouts of thiswork. According to the Lanercost chronicle, Pecham introduced the practice of holding quodlibetal questions at the University of Oxford (primus omnium disputavit in facultate theologiae de quolibet). See on this innovation (and his later quodlibetal activities at the papal curia esp. Piron (2006).


Primary sources


  • De Mystica Interpretatione Numerorum in Sacra Scriptura: Rome, BAV Lat. 5968 etc. See also Stegmüller
  • Biblical commentaries See Stegmüller
  • De Regimine Judeorum, see the 2003/2004 article of A. Emili in Picenum Seraphicum 22-23 (2003-2004), 67-120.
  • Sermons:a.o. Oxford Bodl. Laud. Misc. 85 ff. 1-31; Oxford Rawlinson C 116 ff. 30-39; Angers, Bibl. Municip. 241; Milan, Ambrosiana Cod. A.11
  • In I-IV Sent.: a.o. Paris BN 16407; Florence, Naz. G.4 854; Naples, Naz. VII.C.2 (see Cenci, Napoli, Doucet and Stegmüller)
  • Philomena: Paris, BN, Lat. 3307 ff. 89v-92v (14th cent.); Darmstadt, Hess. Landesbibl. Lat. 2273 ff. 3r-5 (15th cent.) & MS 80 ff.128r-135v. See for a lengthy overview the Quaracchi edition of Bonaventure’s Opera Omnia, VIII, cv-cvi.
  • Hymns. Several hymns composed by Pecham have come down to us, namely: Versus de sacramento altaris (inc.: Hostia viva, vale, fidei fons gloria matris), MS Oxford, Bodl. Rawlinson C. 558 f. 157; Meditatio de sacramento altaris seu Rythmus de corpore Christi (inc.: Ave Vivens Hostia), a.o. Darmstadt Hess. Landesbibl. Lat. 521 ff. 73; De deliciis Virginis gloriosae (inc.: Salve sancta Mater Dei). On the composition and the intended audience of these hymns, see: Antoine de Sérent,‘Livres d’heures franciscaines’, Revue d’Histoire Franciscaine 6 (1929), 19-20.
  • Psalterium Beatae Mariae Virginis: Cambridge, Univ. Library Dd.XV, 21 ff. 1-15; Ff.VI,14 ff. 8-22; Mm.V, 36; Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College Cod. 36
  • Prosae (Planctus Almae Matris Ecclesiae; Deploratio Humanae Miseriae; Exhortatio Christianorum contra Gentem Mahometi; Deploratio Hominis in Extremo.): Chartres Bibl. Municip. 341; BAV Vat. Lat. 4863.
  • De Paupertate: a.o. Vat.Lat. 3740 (see Etzkorn, IVF, 42)
  • Quaeritur utrum Verbum Immediacius Offerat se Intellectui: London, Wellcome Hist. Medical Library 333 ff. 122-124 (13th cent.)
  • Quodlibet: Florence Bib. Naz. Conv. Soppr. J.I.3
  • Collectaneum Sententiarum Divinae Scripturae: Graz, Universitätsbibl.1517 (14th cent.)
  • Summa de Esse et Essentia: Lüneb. Ratsbücherei, 2° 19 ff. 247va-249rb
  • Liber Perspectivae: Vienna, Österr. Landesbibl. 5210 (an. 1367) ff.50-95r; London, Lincoln’s Inn Hale 76 (71) ff. 2-11v (ca. 1400); London, Institution of Electrical Engineers, Thompson Collection 2 ff. 2-36v (14th cent.); London, University College lat. 31 (ca. 1500)
  • De Sphaera: Lüneburg, Ratsbücherei Miscell. D.4° 46 ff. 63ra-72rb; Rome BAV Lat. 5968
  • Perspectiva Communis: Rome BAV Lat. 5968
  • Liber de Statu Saeculi: Lüneburg Ratsbücherei Theol. 2° 71 ff. 133ra-139rb
  • Historia de Trinitate: British Library Royal 10 B. ix ff. 61v-64; Uppsala, Universitetsbibliotek MS C.636 pt. 7-8 (s. xiv-xv) ff. 75r-85r.
  • Expositio Regulae Fratrum Minorum: Florence, MS Santa Croce Plut. XV. dext. 12 ff.116v-141r (inc: ‘quicumque hanc regulam secuti fuerint, pax super illos et misericordia.’


  • Canticum Pauperis pro Dilecto, ed. F. Delorme, Bibliotheca Franciscana Ascetica MediiAevi, 4 (Quaracchi, 19492). The first (1905) edition also contains the Stimulus Amoris of Jacob of Milan: Stimulus Amoris Fr. jacobi Mediolanensis. Canticum Pauperis Fr.Johannis Pecham sec. codices mss. edita, Bibliotheca Franciscana Ascetica Medii Aevi IV (Quaracchi, 1905), 133-205. The last part of the Canticum (pp. 197-205 in the 1905 edition) is sometimes also found separately as the Forma Vitae Fratrum Minorum, a.o. in MS Rome, St.-Isidoro Cod. 1/73. The Canticum amounts to an explanation, a defence and a recommendation of the Franciscan way of life, aiming to guide the soul in its search for true happiness. In the work, an old teacher guides a pupil, helping him to overcome obstacles and helping him to withstand the criticism of enemies (such as seccular clerics who denounce the mendicant way of life)]
  • Collectorium Sacrae Bibliae (Cologne, 1513/1541/Paris 1513/14).
  • Tractatus Pauperis/Tractatus de Perfectione Evangelica, ed. Bierbaum>>>; Tractatus de perfectione Evangelica, ed. A. Van den Wyngaert (Paris, 1925) [chapters1-6]; Tractatus de perfectione Evangelica, ed. F. Delorme, Studi Francescani 29 (1932), 54-62 [chapters 7-9]; Fr.Johannis de Peckham (…) Tractatus tres de paupertate, ed. A.G. Little (Aberdeen, 1910) [chapters 10, 16, extraits of 7-9, 11, 12, 15]; Tractatus Pauperis, ed. F. Delorme, Collectanea Franciscana 14 (1944), 84-120 [chapters 11-14]; Tractatus Pauperis, ed. F. Delorme, in: F.Richardi de Mediavilla Quaestio Disputata de Privilegio Martini Papae IV (Quaracchi, 1925), 79-88 [chapter 15]. The work is partly dependent upon Thomas of York’s Manus quae Contra Omnipotentem Extenditur and partly on the Apologia Pauperum of Bonaventure. The work is directed against the attacks of Gerard of Abbeville and comparable works of the secular masters.
  • Tractatus de Anima, ed. G. Melani, Biblioteca di Studi Francescani, 1 (Florence, 1948) [probably composed during his teachings at the curia]
  • Quaestio de Radice Constantiae, ed. in: Tractatus de Anima, ed. G. Melani, Appendix III
  • Quaestiones de Anima (Quaestiones de Beatitudine Corporis et Animae, Quaestiones Selectae ex Commentario super I Sententiarum), in: J. Pechami Quaestiones Tractantes de Anima, ed. H. Spettmann, beitr. zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalter, 19, 5-6 (Münster, 1918)
  • Collectarium Divinarum Sententiarum Librorum Biblicorum (Paris, 1513/Cologne, 1541) [Zawart, 363 & 364]
  • Questions Concerning the Eternity of the World, ed. & transl. V.G. Potter (NewYork, 1993)
  • Quaestio Disputata de Aeternitate Mundi, ed. I. Brady, St. Thomas Aquinas, 1274-1974 Commemorative Studies, II, ed. A. Maurer, E. Gilson, PIMS (Toronto, 1974), 141-178./Also in: Patristica et Mediaevalia, 1 (1975), 82-100.
  • Quaestiones Disputatae (De Ipsa Dei Sapientia/Ratio Cognoscendi), edited in: De Humanae Cognitionis Ratione Anecdota Quaedam Seraphici Doctoris S. Bonaventurae et Nonnullorum Ipsius Disciplinorum (Quaracchi, 1883), 179-182.
  • Quaestiones Disputatae, ed. Girard J. Etzkorn; Hieronymus Spettmann; Livarius Oliger, Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, XXVIII (Grottaferrata-Rome: Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, 2002).[cf. reviews in Collectanea Franciscana 73 (2003), 377f; Miscellanea Francescana 103 (2003), 416-418]
  • Quodlibeta Quatuor, ed. G. Etzkorn, F. Delorme, Bibl. Franc. Scholastica Medii Aevi, 25 (Grottaferrata, 1989) [first quodlibet directed against Gerard of Abbéville and other enemies of the mendicants (composed probably during Lent 1270); second question includes some viewpoints of Thoms Aquinas and probably dates from later in the same year; third question composed either in Paris(1271) or in Oxford (1272-5); fourth question dates from 1277/79, during Pecham’s curia teaching position. See on the second question also the article of A. Dondaine, in: Studies Honoring I.Ch. Brady (New York, 1976), 199-218.]
  • Quodlibet (November-December, 1270): Quaeritur utrum Perfectio Evangelica Consistat in renuntiando vel carendo divitiis propriis et communibus, ed. L. Oliger, Franziskanische Studien 4 (1917), 127-176.
  • Quodlibet Romanum, ed. F. Delorme, Spicilegium Pontificii Athenaei Antoniani, 1 (Rome, 1938) [composed 1277/78]
  • Quodlibet de Natale, Q. 4, ‘Utrum in Christo sint Plures Filiationes’, ed. E. Longpré, Antonianum, 7 (1932), 295-296.
  • Quaestio utrum Liceat Inducere Pueros, Doli Capaces, ad Obligandum se religioni Voto Iuramento Aut Etiam Adholescentes, ed. L. Oliger, AFH, 8 (1915), 414-439.
  • Summa de Esse et Essentia, ed. F. Delorme, Studi Francescani, 25 (1928), 61-71.
  • Capitula Tria in Defensionem Ordinum Mendicantium, ed. F. Delorme, Studi Francescani 29 (1932), 47-62, 164-193.
  • De Perfectione Status Religionis Excerpta, ed. F. Delorme, Coll. Franciscana, 14 (1944), 90-120.
  • Tractatus contra Kilwardby, ed. F. Tocco, in: Tractatus tres de paupertate, ed. C.L. Kingsford, A.G. Little, F. Tocco, British Society of Franciscan Studies, II (Aberdeen, 1910/Reprint, 1966), 121-147. Work written before October 1272.
  • Tractatus Pauperis, ed. A. van den Wyngaert, Editions de la France Franciscaine (Paris, 1925)
  • Quaestio de Paupertate: Utrum Perfectio Evangelica Consistat in Enuntiando vel Carendo Divitiis Propriis et Communibus,ed. L. Oliger, Franz. Studien, 4 (1917), 139-176
  • Canticum Pauperis pro Dilecto, Bibl. Franc. Ascetica Medii Aevi, 4 (Quaracchi,1905/1949), 133-205. Pecham presents the beauty of the Franciscan way of life, which is depicted as a life of Christian wisdom and what it takes to enter into this house of wisdom and virtue. Work probably written during Pecham’s stay at Oxford (before 1274-1275)
  • Speculum Cristiani, ed. G. Holmstedt (Oxford, 1933)
  • De Numeris Misticis, ed. B. Hughes, AFH, 78 (1985), 3-28, 333-383 [composed between 1270 and 1275]
  • Tractatus de Perspectiva, ed. D.C. Lindberg, Franciscan Institute, Text Series, 16 (New York, 1972).
  • Perspectiva Communis, in: John Pecham and the Science of Optics: Perspectiva, ed. et trans. D.C.Lindberg, University of Winsconsin Publications in Medieval Science, 14 (Madison (Milw.)-London, 1970)/Perspectiva Communis (Cologne, 1627)/Perspectiva Communis (Excerpta), in: Dal 'de luce' di R. Grossatesta all' islamico' libro della scala', ed. E. Guidubaldi (Florence, 1978), 441-442.
  • Officium SS. Trinitatis, edited in: W. Lampen, ‘Jean Pecham et son office de la Sainte Trinité’, La France Franciscaine, 11 (1928), 211-229. [a rhyme-office. Survived in many mss, and received several editions in breviaries and hymn collections. Cf.Dreves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi V, 19-21 & L, 593-597. In 1530, the franciscan friar Frans Titelmans published an edition and commentary of this hymn, followed by a biography of Pecham: Liber de Sacrosancta et Superbenedicta Trinitate, in quo Ecclesiasticum Officium, quod in illius solemnitate legit romana ecclesia, clare lucideque explanatur (Antwerp, 1530).
  • Psalterium Beatae Mariae Virginis, ed. Drèves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi XXXV, 153-171 (Drèves still attributes the work to Stephan of Canterbury).
  • Perspectiva tribus Libris Succinctis denuo Correcta et Figuri Illustrata, ed. P. Hamelius (Paris, 1556)
  • Commentarius in Evangelium Johannis (prol. Et Joh. 1, 1-5), ed. F. Stegmüller, Franz. Stud., 31 (1949), 398-414 & 35 (1953), 441-442 [with listing of manuscripts]
  • Postilla in Lucam, in: Collectaneum Bibliorum (Cologne, 1541/Paris, 1513/Paris, 1914).
  • Registrum Epistolarum Fratris JoannisPeckham, ed. T. Martin, Rerum Britannicarum medii Aevi Scriptores, 3 Vols. (London, 1882-1885).
  • Sermones, several edited by G. Melani, in Studi Francescani 38 (1941), 197-220 & 45 (1949), 116-123. See also: D.L. Douie, ‘Archbishop Pecham’s Sermons and Collations’, in: Studies in Medieval History Presented to F.M. Powicke (Oxford, 1948), 269-282.
  • Jerarchie [on the angelic hierarchies, in French, for queen Eleonore], ed. M.D. Legge, Medium Aevum 11 (1942), 77-84.
  • Philomena, edited in: Bonaventura, Opera Omnia VIII (Quaracchi, 1898), 669-674; ed. G.M. Dreves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi 50 (1907),602-616. [pious canticle, in which the soul contemplates and meditates on the life of Christ. Inc: ‘Philomena, praevia temporis amoeni.’ This work also was translated as a ‘Bonaventurian’ work. Hence it can be found in MS Brussel, 3005-3008 (Nr. 1993) ff. 245v-251v (from 1552): ‘Dit es een schoon leere vanden Nachtegael. Dje heilighe leeraer bonaventura leert ons iiij poenten, Daerwij ons in (246r) oefenen selen Ende daer wy ons in selen verbliden (…) Dese heilighe leeraer heeft een cleyn boecksken ghemaect vanden nachtegael, Hoe dathi tot iiij tyden des daechs singht…’
  • Poemata, ed. G.M. Dreves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi 50 (1907), 597-600.
  • Hymns.The Hymn Versus de Sacramento Altaris has been printed in Registrum Epistolarum fr. Johannis Peckham, ed. Ch.-T. Martin, III, p. cxviii and in Drèves, Analecta Hymnica L, 598. The hymn Meditatio de Sacramento Altaris/Rythmus de Corpore Christi has been published in Registrum Epistolarum fr.Johannis Peckham, ed. Ch.-T. Martin, III, p. cxiv-cxvii and in Drèves, Analecta Hymnica IV, 597, as well as in Fr. J. Pecham Tractatus Tres de Paupertate, 8-9. The hymn De Deliciis Virginis Gloriosae has been published in Drèves, Analecta Hymnica L,598-600.>> Hymni, ed. G.M.Dreves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi 50 (1907), 597-598 (on Corpus Christi) [cf. Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi, 31 (1898), 111-114; ed. G.M. Dreves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi 50 (1907), 598-601(Hymnus de Deliciis Virginis Gloriosae); ed. E. Peeters, Franziskanische Studien 4 (1917), 355-367 [other hymns].
  • Attributed: Vita S. Anonii de Padua (inc.: Benignitas et humanitas Salvatoris), ed. V.Gamboso, Vita del Dialogus e Benignitas, Fonti agiografiche antoniane 3 (Padua, 1986), 249-616. Probably the work of Jean Rigaud.
  • Expositio Regulae Fratrum Minorum, edited in: Bonaventura, Opera Omnia VIII (Quaracchi, 1898), 391-437. Work used to be ascribed to Bonaventure (from 15th century onwards. Maybe starting with John Capistran). Pecham probably wrote this work in Italy, when he was magister sacri palatii (or, after 1273, during his charge as provincial in England). Emphasis, in a Bonaventurean fashion, on the spiritual value of the Rule of Francis. Cf: F. Delorme, ‘Trois chapitres de Jean Pecham pour la défense des ordres mendiants’, Studi francescani 29 (1932), 49.
  • Historia de Trinitate, ed. G.M. Dreves, Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi 50 (1907), 593-596 [See also Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi 5 (1889), 19-22 & 23(1896), 5-6 [A homily and a liturgical office. Same work as the Officium SS.Trinitatis?]
  • Synodal letters, pastoral letters and constitutions (a.o. Lambeth constitutions of 1281), edited in: Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae ab Anno MCCLXVIII ad Annum MCCCXLIX, ed. D. Wilkins (London, 1737) II.
  • See separately also his Ignorantia Sacerdotum, cf. .L. Kellog & E.W.Talbert, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 42 (1959-60), 345-377; Councils and Synods, with Other Documents Relating to the English Church, ed. F.M. Powicke & C.R. Cheney (Oxford, 1964) II, 900-905.
  • Prosae (Planctus Almae Matris Ecclesiae; Deploratio Humanae Miseriae; Exhortatio Christianorum contra Gentem Mahometi; Deploratio Hominis in Extremo. The first two of these have survived with musical annotation. They all probably were composed between 1269 and 1271). They have been published several times, most recently by Emil Peeters, ‘Vier Prosen des Johannes Pecham, O.F.M.’, Franziskanische Studien 4 (1917), 355-367.

Secondary sources

Stegmüller, RS I, 231-2

  • Emden, Oxford, II, 1445-7
  • DTh.Cath. XII, 100-140 (& tables: 3511-12)
  • DSpirVIII, 645-649
  • DHGE XXVII, 432-433
  • Hieronymus Spettmann,‘Quellenkritisches zur Biographie des Johannes Pecham O.F.M. Zugleich ein Überblick der Literaturgeschichte des Franziskanerordens bis ca. 1500’, Franziskanische Studien 2 (1915), 170-207, 266-285
  • Livarius Oliger, ‘Die theologische Quästion des Johannes Pecham über die vollkommene Armut’, Franziskanische Studien 4 (1917), 127-176
  • A. Callebaut, ‘Jean Pecham,O.F.M., et l’Augustinisme. Aperçus historiques (1263-1285)’, AFH 18 (1925),441-472
  • La littérature quodlibetique (Paris, 1925-1935) I, 220-222 & II, 173-180
  • W. Lampen, ‘Jean Pecham O.F.M. et son Office de la Trinité’, La France Franciscaine 11 (1928), 211-229
  • A. Bednarsk, `Das anatomische Augenbild von Johann Peckham (…)', Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte derMedizin, 22 (1929), 352-356
  • Idem, 'Die anatomische Augenbilder in einigen Handschriften des Roger Bacon, Johann Peckham und Witelo', Sudhoffs Archiv, 24 (1931), 60-78
  • V. Doucet, ‘Notulae bibliographicae de quibusdam operibus Fr. Joannis Pecham’, Antonianum 8 (1933), 307-328, 425-459
  • P. Glorieux, Répertoire des Maîtres en théologie (Paris, 1934) II, 87-98
  • V. Doucet, AFH 27 (1934), 548-549
  • Sophronius Clasen, ‘Eine Antwort auf die theologische Quästion des Johannes Pecham über die vollkommene Armut’, Franziskanische Studien 25 (1938), 241-258
  • O. Lottin, 'A propos du commentaire sur l'Ethique attribué à Jean Peckham', RThAM, 10 (1938), 79ff
  • G. Melani, ‘La predicazione di Giovanni Pecham’, Studi francescani 38 (1941), 197-270 & 45 (1949), 116-123
  • D. Knowles, ‘Some Aspects of the Career of Archbishop Pecham’, English Historical Review 57 (1942), 1-18, 178-201
  • Pelster, AFP 16 (1946), 83-106
  • Decima L. Douie, ‘Archbishop Pecham’s Sermons and Collations’, Studies in Medieval History presented to F.M. Powicke (Oxford, 1948),269-282
  • J.J. Smith, The attitude of John Pecham toward Monastic Houses under His Jurisdiction (Washington,1949)
  • Friedrich Stegmüller, ‘Der Johanneskommentar des Johannes Pecham O.M.’, Franziskanische Studien 31 (1949), 396-414
  • F.J.E. Raby,‘Philomena Praevia Temporis Amoeni’, in: Mélanges J. de Ghellinck (Gembloux, 1951), II, 435-448
  • F. Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi (Madrid, 1951), III, 401-404 (no. 4841-4855)
  • Decima L. Douie, Archbishop Pecham (Oxford, 1952)
  • L. Thorndike, ‘A John Peckham Manuscript’, AFH 45 (1952),451-461
  • Friedrich Stegmüller, ‘Eine weitere Handschrift mit dem Johanneskommentar des Johannes Peckam O.M.’, Franziskanische Studien 35 (1953), 440-442
  • Doucet, AFH, 47 (1954), 39-40
  • Decima L. Douie, The Conflict Between the Seculars and the Mendicants at the University of Paris in the Thirteenth Century (London, 1954)
  • Stegmüller, RB, III, 4841-4855,1
  • Schneyer, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones III, 666-673
  • Maximiliaan van Moerdijk, ‘Philomena van John Pecham’, Neophilologus 38 (1954), 206-217
  • Beryl Smalley, 'John Russel O.F.M.' Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale. 23 (1956) 311-312
  • Maximilianus van Moerdijk, ‘`Nog eens ‘Philomena’ (…)’, Franciscaans Leven 30 (1956), 174-181
  • Y.M.-J. Congar, ‘Aspects ecclésiologiques de la querelle entre mendiants et séculiers… Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen age 28 (1961),35-151
  • M. Peuchmaurd, ‘Mission canonique et prédication. Le prêtre ministre de la parole dans la querelle entre mendiants et séculiers au xiiie siècle’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 30 (1963), 122-144, 251-276
  • Maximiliaan van Moerdijk, ‘La ‘Philomena’ de Jean de Peckham’, in: Miscellanea Melchior de Pobladura I (Rome, 1964), 197-214
  • Lohr, Traditio 27 (1971), 269-71
  • E. Stadter, Psychologie und Metaphysik der menschlichen Freiheit. Die ideengeschichtliche Entwicklung zwischen Bonaventura und Duns Scot (Munich,1971), 86-143
  • Glorieux, Les maîtres de la faculté des Arts au XIIIe siècle (Paris, 1971), 231-2
  • Th. Bukowski, 'J. Pecham, T. Aquinas et al. on the Eternity of the World', RThAM, 46 (1979), 216ff
  • R.C. Finncane, ‘The Registers of Archbishop J.P. and his notary, John of Beccles: some unnoticed evidence’, JEH 38 (1987), 406-436
  • A. Pérez Estévez, `Materia e individuo en los Quodlibetos (...)', Revista de Filosofia, 16-17 (1993), 27-42 [also published in El pensamient antropològic medieval, 365-374]
  • A. Pérez Estévez, ‘Voluntad y poder en los ‘‘Quodlibetos’’ de Juan Pecham’, in: Les philosophies morales et politiques au Moyen Âge, 787-796
  • Repertorium editierte Texte des Mittelalers, aus dem bereich der Philosophie (Berlin, 1994), no. 15090-119
  • R. Hisette, `Johannes Pecham', LThK, 5 (1996), 956-7
  • Niccolò Turi, `L'immortalità dell'anima in Giovanni Pecham e in Tomaso d'Aquino', Stud. Francesc., 94 (1997), 499-527
  • Gordon A. Wilson, ‘TheCritique of Thomas Aquinas’s Unicity Theory of Forms in John Pecham’s Quodlibet IV (Romanum)’, Franciscan Studies 56 (1998), 421-431
  • Alain Boureau, Théologie, science et censure au XIIIe siècle. Le cas de Jean Peckham, L’âne d’or 11 (Paris, 1999)
  • The Survey of Archbishop Pecham’s Kentish Manors 1283-1285, ed. & trans. Kenneth P. Witney (Maidstone: Kent Archaeological Society, 2000) [cf. Southern History 23 (2001), 170-172]
  • R. Aubert,‘Jean Pecham ou Peckham’, DHGE XXVII, 432f.
  • Reinhold Rieger, ‘Johannes Peckham’, Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart4 IV, 529
  • Alain Boureau, ‘Les cinq sens dans l’antropologie cognitive franciscaine. De Bonaventure à Jean Peckham et Pierre de Jean Olivi’, Micrologus 10 (2002), 277-294
  • Benjamin Thompson, ‘The academic and active vocations in the medieval Church: Archbishop John Pecham’, in: The Church and Learning in Later Medieval Society: Essays in honour of R.B. Dobson. Proceedings of the 1999 Harlaxton Symposium, ed. Caroline M. Barron & Jenny Stratford, Harlaxton Medieval Studies, 11(Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2002), 1-24
  • Girard J. Etzkorn, ‘John Pecham’, in: A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, ed. Jorge J.E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone ,Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, 24 (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003), 384-387
  • A. Emili, ‘De regimine Judeorum. Note su tradizione manoscritta, datazione e contenuti della risposta di Peckam alla Contessa di Fiandra’, Picenum Seraphicum 22-23 (2003-2004), 67-120
  • Martin Kaufhold, ‘Die gelehrten Erzbischöfe von Canterbury und die Magna Carta im 13. Jahrhundert’, in: Politische Reflexion in der Welt des späten Mittelalters/Political Thought in the Ages of Scholasticism. Essays in Honour of Jürgen Miethke, ed. Martin Kaufhold, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions: History, Culture,Religion, Ideas, 103 (Leiden: Brill, 2004), 43-64
  • Jerzy Lopat, ‘Piesnubogiego-niezwykle dzielo Jana Peckhama’, Lignum Vitae 6 (2005), 237-246 [on the Canticum Pauperis]
  • Sylvain Piron, ‘Franciscan Quodlibeta in Southern Studia and at Paris, 1280-1300’, in: Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Thirteenth Century, ed. Chris Schabel (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2006),403-438 (404).


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